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by xLongxXxLostx Feb 17, 2006 category : Sadness, depression / about depression
Im tired of covering up all of my scars.. but I dont have the heart to stop cutting my legs, my body and arms.. These promises I have their values are so great but I cant hold them too tight because they always break So easily scratched and tainted, life is like a priceless gem... but for some reason, no matter how valuable... I keep shattering them Although I want to quit I know I musent give in... this is just the start of life... the true journey has yet to begin... I can only hope to make it through the path that lies ahead wish upon something so far away as I silenlty lay in bed the stars tell me theres something my heart tells me theres not I dont know wich to believe in because its something forever sought... Theres something missing here deep within my mind something that holds me back that keeps me in a bind until I release this anguish and let go of all this pain this bind that holds me back so much keeps me chained everyday.... As the stars are falling I think back through the years... all those wasted moments all those held-in tears... So forward I must go into the new coming dawn because this past that haunts my dreams is nothing more but gone... Take care all my loved ones for you I will no longer see... I hope the best and pray for you... and hope the same for me...