What Love Is To Me Part1

by chicago   Feb 17, 2006

Some were out there
in our cruel world there
is a difference and saying
you love someone and
being in love with

If you ask me.Saying
you love someone
is like a one night
stand or just
for that moment.

But being in love
with someone is
more like a
Anyone can say I
love you but it
takes a real woman
or man to be in love.

To love sometimes
it takes a lot out of
you but all ways put
more in.To be in love
it sometimes
seems like you
cant take it
any more but every
one knows that
life cant hold you
down for ever.


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  • 19 years ago

    by chicago

    Thank you everyone that has read my poem and commented on them.
    you all do not know how much this mean to me do you?

  • 19 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    Thank you. That was lovely.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~TornBecauseOfYou~

    Great job through expressing Yoursellf..Truly HeartFelt and Great..
    Amazing..Keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by italiana

    This is great! I like it. It is a little repetitive, but it is okay. Remember grammar and breaks hun! Luv yas!