
by Rachel   Feb 17, 2006

Running through my blood,
Temperature rising, a burning flood.
Altering moods thinking unclear,
Motion sickness bringing fear.

Falling over, under and sideways
Racing on speedy highways,
Minds think alike yet differ,
Different levels of liquid sliver.

Comes in different shapes and sizes,
Lacks judgement; pleasurable suprises.
Indulging, gulping, laughing so,
Everyone's amuzed, I am the show.

Chaging personality into fake
Bringing out a golden flake
Shining like the sun in summer,
Body getting warmer, warmer, warmer

Passing out onto the floor
Making sure to close the door,
Expelling acids, foods and water
Feeling oh so much better.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jackie Marie

    Wow I like this. I like your style! Good job. 5/5 completely

  • 19 years ago

    by Bridgette

    This poem is really good! 5/5**