Dedication to Jim Morrison

by Rachel   Feb 17, 2006

A man of wisdom, glory and lust
Shines on the world like diamond dust,
His demeanor so strong and courageous
And the words he speaks are incredibally contagious

He yearns for respect and recognition
Not for his charisma, but for his covet ambition
His soul is slowly dying inside
His unhappiness unravels like a heavy riptide...

He lives each day as if it's his last
He's experiencing everything oh so fast,
He wants to take chances and risk it all
He goes from this to that similar to a bouncing ball

This man saw it coming claiming he's be number three
He's lived his life, he's been set free.
Leaving the world at just 27...
He now rests in a protected vault watched over in heaven.


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  • 19 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I read this as a powerful and sincere poem. Your flow and rhyming scheme was spot on, and your choice of words strengthened the write. I enjoyed this poem, and it is a very well written dedication piece.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sondos

    The rhyme scheme in this is brillant!
    Very lovely work

    All the Best

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