The Invisible Kid

by TormentedSoul   Feb 17, 2006

Everyday I walk these
hallowed halls never to
be seen by others for they
only ignore me and never
acknowledge my presents.
I try to fit in the best anyone
ever could and still I am
invisible. Am I dead?
Am I just a ghostly figure
walking around and no one
can see me? What is the
purpose of my life? Is it just
to hide in the shadows and
take up space? If I died
who would come to my
funeral? Who would even
know I was gone for no one
that walks these hallowed halls
seem to know my even existence.
So here I am all alone for no
one can see me I must walk
these hallowed halls until my death.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Alex

    Usually i don't like free verse but this is awesome. You're a very good writer. Keep this up

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley

    Awesome poem! I can really relate to this. Keep up the good work, and thanks for commenting on my poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    Another awsome poem! good job

  • 19 years ago

    by Liz

    Nice poem Tormentedsoul its so good i can picture it like it Comment back-Liz

  • 19 years ago

    by Unity

    i love the way you write .. i just can't help but keep reading ..and comment! ..your doing and awesome job here duuuude! k33p it up eh!
    you write with such power and emotion ...W0W!