Tomorrow is just another day

by Lindsey   Feb 17, 2006

Not a day goes by
that i don't feel this sadness
its hard to describe
complete and total madness

i just want to forget
but it never works out that way
i just want to forget
keeping old thoughts away

on the outside i seem fine
but what matters is whats inside
inside I'm screaming for help
but no one can ever hear me

I've given up trying to let others help
i now know i have to do this all alone
why couldn't things have just been different
my soul, the purest light could've shone

I'm forced to live such a fake life
that no one knows who i really am
and it hurts me to know
that they'll never get the chance

today was just like all the others
and tomorrow will still be the same
i waken to another unrestful dawn
this is god's sick game

I'm to my breaking point
so close to jumping off the ledge
but after everything
i still fear death

will i hurt the ones i leave?
or will they move on with their lives
once again i am forgotten
just another pour soul who died

i guess it doesn't matter
because tomorrow is just another day
and I'll wake up in the same old torment
crying in the same old way.

By: Lindsey Corlew
Date: February 10, 2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by TormentedSoul

    Wow this poem seems really deep and i really liked it good job

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