Just because

by babyluv213   Feb 17, 2006

Just because its not what you expected doesn't mean its not everything you've been waiting for. just because hes doesn't show it its your heart he may be longing for. just becausey ou think your worthless doesn't mean you are just because you can't find happiness it may not be far. and just because your empty right now someday you'll breathe. close youre eyes and look within your self. at some point you'll believe. just because you cut urself doesn't mean the scars won't fade. the blood will stop dripping when you put down the blade. just because your tears are red and your heart is black, don't lose your faith to fight back.i know its hard when your breath is short and you could end it in the blink of an eye but just because you lost this round doesn't mean you should die.

**Please comment, this poem means alot to me


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  • 19 years ago

    by TheGayPimp

    Love ur poem

  • 19 years ago

    by HONEY

    ITS VERY TRUE!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~masiy~_may

    Yo i think dis poem was banging,ight ~1~..army..