Just Another Lesson

by Restles Soul   Feb 17, 2006

Face it, you can't even stand it
It took it's hold on you
And you got really hit
But hey it's true

You decided to leave
And even tough I didn't stop you
You thought that for you I'd grieve
That you'd make me miserable and blue

But you soon came to see
That it just wasn't mean to go your way
For even without you I'll still be
And in my life you don't have anymore to say

You used every trick in the book
To try and make me plead of you to come back
But maybe when you'll actually look
You'll see that of you I'll never even feel the lack

Truth be, I'm a lot better in your absence
You smothered me and kept me in the dark
But I want to thank you, in your remembrance
But please mark:
You never were and never will be anything more
Than just another wave upon my shore,
Another lesson for me to learn.


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  • 19 years ago


    This is e.x.c.e.l.l.e.n.t!
    I loved it hun, wow great!

    Kepp it up.x!