
by iDeePanda   Feb 18, 2006

I say I don't love u
Swear that I don't need you
But isn't it ironic
That I say that to so few?

I tell you you mean nothing
but you know that it's a hoax
because isn't it ironic
that I call on you the most?

I chat to you when in public
speak in whispers when in private
but isn't it ironic
that I always try to hide it?

I tell you that I'm satisfied
yet I tend to beg for more
so isn't it ironic
That you're all I'm looking for?

I say I never think of you
But when it's near that time
Isn't it ironic
That you're always on my mind?

I said unrealistic things
So when you found out I lied
Was it really so ironic
For me to actually cry?

But if I've been lying all this time
And I said I didn't want you
It wouldn't be so ironic
If it actually meant I do?


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  • 18 years ago

    by SadnesssMadnesss

    It was good even tho i have not so much of a clear veiw of what ironic means.LOL - YM

  • 19 years ago

    by Monika


  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla Sonya Dearing

    Thats good dee, keep up the good work hun. And remember someday you'll find you're true love. Even if it takes thousands of heart aches.

  • 19 years ago

    by [crimson] tearz_fall

    I deffinately love this poem, great job!