Leave The Past Behind

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Feb 18, 2006

So how do i get through everyday
Realizing that everything is going to be OK...

I think i might have found my long-lasting key
To unlock my darkness to where i can see...

The never-ending days from love to pain,
The worthless nights that drove me insane...

The time in which cutting was my best friend,
And to be high, i didn't have to pretend...

When pills were completely filling my pocket,
& realizing my habit but too lazy to stop it...

The time when the people who i loved most
Turned into another remembered ghost...

When the only people who i needed were "family"
Turned out to be not so heavenly..

It seems like just a moment ago
Is when i lost it all and fell at the show...

Life slipped through my numb fingertips,
It became blurry and my memory record skips...

The only way to become OK
Is to turn off the button labeled "replay"...

Why should i relive the past?
Only the good memories are made to last...

Why should i keep antagonizing this pain,
When i know it's too much for me to maintain...

The past is done, time has moved on,
And now its my turn to finally move along...

The only way to live and be fine,
Is to finally leave the past behind...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Robyn

    Wow, I really love that poem, and I can totally relate to it!
