If I died Tomorrow

by Just Me   Feb 18, 2006

If I died tomorrow
I'd have only one thing left to say
not I love you
or I'll miss you so
but rather
something different
something unique
and if I died tomorrow
I'd pray no matter how it happened
that you would realize
I'll always be within you
and I'll always be guiding and watching over you
if I died tomorrow
I'd have one thing left to tell you
and that's
thank you,
because no matter how you deny it
or how hard to try to ignore it
you helped me come this far
and without you there is no me
so if I died tomorrow
know that I'm in peace
because we won our battle together
as best friends should,
so if I died tomorrow remember me
and I'll have not died in vain
remember the help gave me
and remember me in peace,
so if I died tomorrow
don't let tears fill your eyes
and don't let pain fill your heart
because even though I'm gone now
I will still live on,
as long as you believe in yourself
i will always remain in your heart
so if I died tomorrow
remember my last words are thank you
and live them to the fullest
for as long as you live on
I will too.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Eternal*Dream

    Great poem...really original and it makes u think abt life and ur true friends

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    Hey again...no he didnt hurt me...i just felt like writing i was not feling mad or sad i just wanted to write..were still together... *smile* we had valentines day together...and now with my birthday on the 25 th of february were going to do something the friday and saturday.. *smiel*

    love ya like a crazy
    andrea xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    Wow hunn
    i love it its so nice, i just hope you know that i will alwys be here for you no matter what..even though i dont know you..

    andrea xx

  • 19 years ago

    by vckee B da Queen B

    Wow ur an inspiration htat was rele rele good hun keep writing like u do