Am i selfish or just attention seeking?

by Ripple   Feb 18, 2006

The people in my life i hold so dear
Their lives so f/uked up full with fear

It has gone past the count on one hand
The amount of people with terror in their life with no one who understands

Amazing the stories that appear behind the smile
Just to be shared as they have been covered for a while

This time of school has been grate
But now at the end of it.. i realize my mistake

I thought it was a happy week.. i was very wrong
As on the first day i cut again... the pain too strong

Now i feel like a s/lut as i argued with people who are close
But those people hate me... throw me away like burnt toast

They can call me what i like.. for i have built the walls
And i am not opening up.. these walls will not fall

This week i have realized so much hurt around me
I am not the only one...i finally see

Stop being so selfish.. wrapped up in my own life
And finally see those people who have always been so quiet

Stop the attention seeking.. so many people think i am
And help some one else out as i wipe this bloody hand


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  • 19 years ago

    by ani

    Cool poem. ur a rilly good at this..
    l8r _ani