Hurtful truth

by The heart the soul the love   Feb 18, 2006

Stated facts even though her mind can't stand the truth
The echoing hurtful thoughts brewing though her mind this middle aged youth
She keeps fighting the truth even though it's clear
She keep holding on to things that are longer there
Her eternal gabbing hole is slowly grasping her calling her home for eternity
Her thoughts and feelings show no signs of modernity
On her knees she begs and cries out for forgiveness for all the harm she has caused Never to found, frozen and lost time it's paused
The trail of broken hearts and the land she left behind destroyed
Her past she tries so hard to avoid
From the sea breeze and the tide that swept away all her dreams
To her this world isn't as real as it seems
Her words alone can’t tell this story or bring her back to reality
To her life is immortality
It all came over her like a rainstorm and washed away all the sense in her
And now in her head the truth will never transfer
She has fought long and hard trying to fight the confusion of her heart
In her life the truth shall never play part
She tears her soul open and opens up the demons gates and set’s herself free
Head on to the truth although it hurts she must let it be
She can no longer hold on to her past
She can no longer handle the pressure she doesn't want the pain to last
She take a dramatic turn and commits suicide
And now this is the end of her long depressing ride


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  • 18 years ago

    by timehealsallwounds6

    Very strong and deep words i like it keep up the good work


  • 18 years ago

    by Krissy

    Is a sad poem but i like. good job5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by katie hensley

    Very powerful words. you have real talent. keep it up. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    Wow. this is so good!

    "Her past she tries so hard to avoid
    From the sea breeze and the tide that swept away all her dreams"

    i love that part. a truly excellent poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Daniell

    Wow....another greatn poems.....good job!