
by ILOVEYOUAMY   Feb 18, 2006

Im fading into a world
Filled with sorrow and darkness
O lord please save me
I am going insane
it wont be long before I begin
to Fade

Im fading into the darkside
letting the evil take over me
the sorrow has ruined me
now theres nuting left to do
but to make an enemy out of you

Im fading into your world
watching as your whole world
comes to a complete end
watching as you scream horror
you shouldve never broken me
into so many pieces

Im fading into the darkside
letting the evil take over me
the sorrow has ruined me
now theres nuting left to do
but to make an enemy out of you

why cant you understand
i was the sweetest man
showed you nothing but love
but all you did was push and shove
watched as i went to hell

Im fading into your world
watching as your whole
comes to a complete end
watching as you scream horror
you shouldve never broken me
into so many pieces


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  • Aawww honey, im so sorry, i can tell that you are in a lot of pain. i hope that one day you find the one and you never have to feel the way you are feeling now again. you have my deepest sympathy.
    xX velvet kisses Xx

  • 19 years ago


    Im not ok

  • 19 years ago

    by XxSilentScreamsxX

    GREAT POEM..... i love your poem its really deep and dark.... i hope you are ok tho.... well ya if u ever want to talk e-mail me at angelbear966@yahoo.com..... soo ya good job.
