My Shallow Grave

by TormentedSoul   Feb 19, 2006

Here is my shallow
grave. Only thing that
identifies the grave was
a piece of concrete
that had R.I.P. scratched
in it. I had no friends
and was forgotten.

So here I lay in
my shallow grave.
The funeral was not
sad for no one showed
up to grieve.

There was no coffin,
no flowers, not even a
tear to be shed. For no
one knew I was dead nor
did they seem to care.

Everyone seemed to go
on living their lives unaware
of this shallow grave.

So this is where I will
be all alone and forgotten
in this shallow grave.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dead Is The New Alive

    Wow i hope you have friends unlike this poem unless your a loner but thats cool to cuz people can get really annoying and hard to trust but good poem

  • 18 years ago

    by AnJolina

    Thats a really good poem!
    ~!ugly & unloved!~

  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    This was a good poem, but the format is a little off at sometimes, along with the flow. Other than that it's pretty good. Keep up the good work, this is a very powerful piece of work.

  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    Great job!!!! my only thing is...try putting this in a stanza form or something like would really make this and your other poem i read (the last piece of my heart) look........a lil better and they would look longer....but hey this is only my opinon=] great job tho...


  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    Wow. i really like this one. it explains how im feeling right about now. thanks for my comments by the way