Saying Goodbye

by Tiffany   Feb 19, 2006

It was our rows turn to get up and head to the center of the room. I stood up and took little steps as I exit the row. As I walked down the aisle step by step, I thought to myself, "What am I really doing here?" Because in a few seconds I would be starring down into a coffin at a man I never knew. I was kind of upset because this man lying in the casket "Haywood Robinson" was my Grandfather on my father's and I never had a chance to meet him. Sometimes I wonder if he even knew I existed. Over the years I really didn't think about him or think about one day he might come out of the blue and visit me. It seemed like forever to reach the casket. I looked around and saw people crying. I thought to myself, "Too bad I can't do that! I know that was pretty childish. I guess I was upset because I didn't feel any emotions. I don't think I was feeling any emotions. I was blank. Finally, I was standing in front of my Grandfather's coffin. I looked down at the man lying before me. Even though I never met him, I thought it would be a good time to say goodbye.

So, Rest in Peace Grandpa and hope we will meet in the next lifetime.


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  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    I really loved your poem. When my dad passed away I could not cry for him and understand you poem only too well.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lynn Anderson

    I like the poem because I know how that feeling of being there. It sounds more like a letter though that was never sent...
    Very thoughtful!