If ...

by ღHazel_Kittenღ   Feb 19, 2006

If you go who will I have
I trust no body else
If I don't see you again
I'll take the razor off the shelf
If you die from suicide
My world would tear apart
If you die because your body is to weak
I just won't have a heart
If in the end it's not enough
To keep your butt alive
I'll just begin falling quicker
Because my love will have died
If my patience wears to thin
and the tears roll down my face
I'll throw my life right off a cliff
Because I went to waste
Your dieing wish, your last request
I've know begging to end
Its unfair truly that I can't bring you back
Nature I can't bend
In great hopes I'll push you further
Hoping the pain will end
Then I'll either mourn my life
Or attempt Suicide again


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~~Lindsay Woods~~

    That was deep...5/5!

  • 19 years ago

    by Britney

    Wow. that was really deep. i'm not gonna say i know how u feel like all these other ignorant ppl do cuz i don't but i will say that reall y truly relate. plz comment.
    love always,

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