
by nadsyy   Feb 19, 2006

When i found out you with her
I started spinning
My heart went round and round
Trying to sink in everything

My head started to feel heavy
As i wanted to flee
But i ask you why her
As you tell me in return

Now i want to burn
So my pain will leave
As i grieve
I believe my hope is gone
As I'm trying to cope with out the love of my life

I grab the knife
knowing I'm about to ruin my life
I know that's what you want.
I begin to cut deeper and deeper
I see the blood about to flood
Knowing you won't care that were apart
because you started a new life
now your glued to her

I walk down the streets
And i see you and HER
holding hands
kissing each other

I say hi
But you ignore me
and i start to cry

I go back home
run to the bathroom and turn on the tap
I lock the door
as water over flows on the bath
i tear of my sleeve
I get the razor
begin to cry
As i cut
thinking why i had chosen him to be the love
he made me feel like a dove
The razor cuts deeper and deeper
i can't stop
every cut counts as a stroke of pain

i sink myself into the bath
wanting to breath but not coming up for air
as the door slams down
you pull me up and held me tight

as i screamed and tried to get away
from the man i love
i feel and you caught me

and you apologized for hurting me


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  • 18 years ago

    by TheDevilHerself

    Haha im gunna comment again coz i luv it :P And now i can relate to it 100%! I dont even remember writing that comment up there ^^ lol anyway luv ya luv nomz xoxoxox =)

  • 18 years ago

    by beyond help

    that has to be the best poem ive read in ...........soooooo looonnngggg
    5/5 definately


  • 19 years ago

    by TheDevilHerself

    Nadia! great poem hun it rox and glad it aint true =) Love ya xoxoxox
    *broken hearted nomzy*

  • 19 years ago

    by April

    I really like your poem i love that there is a happy ending

  • 19 years ago

    by Leonta

    This is really a great poem i liked it keep up the good work.