My bestfriend

by Caitlin   Feb 19, 2006

I met you in seventh grade,
i hated you you hated me
bestfriends is what we are
what we'll always be

i admit we disagree daily
we fight likes its our job
but we're there for eachother when we sob

we've been through broken hearts
and tipped over shopping carts
but with you i can always be myself
and i know your not judging me
and i know you feel the same
cause we're both wicked lame

we even have nicknames for eachother
erikrazzy and caitabulous
yes, we know were crazy and fabulous
we have about a million and five inside jokes
of which never get old
we would even go streaking in the freezing cold
cause with you im crazy
and i can even be lazy
no matter who i am or who you are we'll always be friends
always and forever till the very end

how can i not love someone i get along with so well
my secrets are something to you ill always tell
i know your honest and always tell me the truth
whether my outfit doesnt match or i have something in my tooth
we can be serious or goofy
thats who we are and who we always will be

we talk on the phone for hours on end
and the rules we will always bend
but something between us will always stay the same
bestfriends is what we became ...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    Caitlin this is one of the best poems I have ever read. Thank you sooo much, I love you and this poem! We are like the greatest best friends everrrrrrr!!!!!
    "your pretty much my favorite personnnnnnn..." hahahaha

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