Tell me this...

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Feb 19, 2006

In a life you'll never understand
It's easy to let go of a frozen hand

So how can you mean it when you say
That you'll be here to make things OK

You won't ever KNOW who i am
The only thing you could do is give a damn

I'm in a war with one person, who is me
The battle is getting harder quickly

You see the smile that i make,
But you don't realize its 100% fake

I see the world through my darkened eyes,
I hear nothing except screams and cries...

You see me as a talented, amazing girl
You see me making it through this crazy world...

So then it comes down to this...
Was there something that i might have missed?

What is it that you see in me?
What is it that i don't see?

For some reason, you won't let me let go
When i want to give in, you just say no

How could you see something so different?
How could you help me so much in life barely being in it?

Just tell me this, why do you still care?
And how comes you seem to be always there?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Good poem.
    best friends are people who care no matter what, and even if you feel bad about who you are, even if you hate yourself, hate the life your living, a best friend will always be there through thick and thin, with a helping hand a caring face to guide you on your way.
    this poem is really well written.
    well done
    lots of love Tara-Kay xx