Beautiful Girl: Part 4

by Poetvoices   Feb 19, 2006

"Come over tomorrow," she was told.
"I have somethings for you."
What could her aunt want to give her?
She didn't have a clue.

When she got there, she was handed some notebooks.
"Your mother's diaries.
Don't think any less of me for saying this,
but they make good stories."

"Thanks, Aunt Karen," she truly meant
"I'll read them when I get home."
"I hate to know her life wasn't always good,
but now I know why she wouldn't give up this comb."

The puzzled look
on Macey's face
was expected by Karen.
"I marked the right place."

All night, the girl read of the man
she could hardly remember,
but she DID recall falling to the snow
in that one December.

She read of he'd saved her
of how he'd found them a better home.
She even got to the story
of the now-infamous comb.

"Here ya go," he had said.
"Your first gift from me.
And here's a picture of my little girl.
She looks like your, but she was three.

"What happened to her?" her mother'd inquired.
"She got cancer like her mother."
The bride began to think of how one life
could so impact another.

She read of the day he said good-bye
and her mother's real feelings for him,
and just as got more curious,
the journals came to an end.

He was the reason she still breathed.
She couldn't keep not knowing him.
Without him saving her,
her whole life would've been so grim.

When she answered the ringing phone,
she told her husband-to-be,
"There's something I have to do
before you marry me."

The groom was really scared,
but she told him the story.
"We have to invite him to the wedding--
give him THAT much glory."

"Okay honey, but we've gotta hurry.
The wedding's in two weeks."
"I really wanna do this alone.
I don't wanna get you on another of your 'detective streaks'."


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  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    This Series Is Great...Excellent Job...Like a Story in Poetic Form...Great job that shows major skill
    ~The Broken Man~

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    He he I'm so likeing it! look out part 5 here I come lol... ahhh... i'm so tired.... i'm being stupid 2day. *hugs* Ruthie