I Wonder How God Feels...

by Shelby   Feb 19, 2006

Sometimes I wonder
How God really feels
Since we always betray him
When he made everything real

We never listen
To what he has to say
But we listen to our friends
Each and everyday

He made us life
But also death
He made us lungs
And also breath

He made us light
But also dark
He made the flood
but also the ark

He gave us the moon
But also the sun
He gave us bordness
But also has fun

He gave us flowers
But also moss
He gave us sin
But also the cross

So don't you see
What he has done
If he has a fight
He would surely have won

Life isn't perfect
That's what they all say
But it really could be
If it went His way


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  • 19 years ago

    by gone back to him


  • 19 years ago

    by +HISblood=Mylife+

    Awesome poem! so true if we would just listen to God things would be perfect but satan has a strong hold on this world. But we have to keep trying to share Gods love with anyone we meet. Again amazing poem keep it up and God bless,