
by Geoff Clemence   Feb 19, 2006

You came into this world
Like a ray of light so bright
So beautiful in every way
My life filled with delight
I remember when you looked at me
For the first time through your eyes
I remember how I felt that day
And how my eyes began to cry
I remember when you smiled at me
Your face so filled w/ joy
You grabbed my cheeks w/ such strong hands
As if they were a toy
Soon enough you moved around
Upon your hands and knees
One second here then over there
You were busy just like the bees
You use to laugh at everything
Your happiness shone through
You'd draw w/ pens upon your skin
You thought that was funny too
The backyard swing in which you would sit
Would always bring on a laugh
Although no matter how hard i pushed
You were never quite high enough
And when I washed the car outside
In the bucket you would sit
And when I brought the vacuum out
You would suck it to your lip
The endless joys that were your life
Brought such happiness to mine
And I love you dearly Madison
Beyond the end of time...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Awwww. that is such a delight. I really have to say it touch me in a way like she was my daughter. You are a great writer and I am looking forward to your work. Love Lots


  • 18 years ago

    by Jess

    Awwww. that is such a delight. I really have to say it touch me in a way like she was my daughter. You are a great writer and I am looking forward to your work. Love Lots


  • 19 years ago

    by Cimara

    Oh how gorgeous. Beautifully written. i thought it flowed nicely and was really sweet! xox

  • 19 years ago

    by molly

    Brilliant poem, 5/5, written with such feeling!!! keep it up!!!