These eyes were made for crying

by Ali   Feb 20, 2006

The world is corrupted
teeming with lies
the sickening cheap thrills
and temporary highs.
the news tells the story
of the fair haired child
she was raped then murdered
sitting on my couch i stare at her photo
unaware, it just smiled.
the boy who lives down the road
who bullies everyone around me
i hear his mother screaming at him
i've seen his fathers sunken eyes
secretly, he wishes he could break free.
The lonely girl
who gave up her heart
to the boy destined to break it
cries into the deepest corners of the night
then rashley lets her life depart.
the charred souls
around me are dying
and thats why i say
these eyes were made for crying.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    A good poem, the title caught my eye because it said something, it said that people cry for all different reasons.
    weel done
    Tara xxx