A Man

by The Poetic Child   Feb 20, 2006

How can i take it
how can i walk in this rain
with so much sadness
holding 1000pnds of pain

Wishing i could make it
but knowing i cant
i hope you all enjoy it
take one last glance

This is really me
a man who has a heart
a man who shows his affection
who showed it from the start

a man who is strong
a man yet weak
a man who can talk
but yet a man who cant speak

A man who fight struggles
a man who can admit they cry
a man who stands to fight
a man who would never say a lie

A man who is sour
yet a mean who is sweet
but you would never know
if you didn't let me meet

Some say I'm the greatest Guy
They say I'm so good
But they never see the man
who cries under the hood

I'm letting my confessions go
This is really me
A man who's heart is broken
and i let it for everyone to see

Look at me Everyone
This Man is Broken Down
look at this image
you can see is saddening frown

Every time i take a look
Every step that i take
Seems to back fire
and make it a mistake

Sometimes i feel as if I'm worthless
i feel as if i got no need
no need to be here
No need to even breathe

But now i gotta take this pain
I gotta get through my fight
But i want to through in the towel
and let the lord take me tonight

but i stand here as a man admit
I really don't want to go
Because who could be happy
with the girl i love so

She would stay here
and i would never see her
Ima true hearted guy
I'm my own believer

if i was to go now
How could i see that smile
The only smile that lite me up
To walk another mile

A mile through the pain
A mile i went through
A mile that i didn't let take over
because she said "i love you"

Those words kept me strong
But now the words have vanished
My love is now constricted
My love has been banished

So now i sit here lonely
and i still love her all i can
But i pray i can make it
because to me I'm a man...


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Good job as usual....


  • 19 years ago

    by FoundHim

    Truly amazing!!!!!!i dont kno wat else to say...lol well...maybe one more thing...again i must say...keep your head up..


  • 19 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    It's similar to "This is Me," but we all need to restate our feelings sometimes in a different form! I love it. Keep going.

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Ohh.. deep very deep

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Wow, that's cool, never had such long comment from anyone, hehe...hmm, nice poem, but watch out 4 the grammar, something I don't do 2, haha, well, I luv the way u write ur feelings out, clear n simple...easy 2 understand...btw, thanks 4 the comment, made my day, u r a great writer...can c that, keep it going...