The worst weekend

by Ashley   Feb 20, 2006

A bad weekend.
No, make that a horrible weekend.
The worst.
It makes no sense...
Did it really have to be this way?

I just don't get it,
How it all happened.
How it was so bad,
All of what I can't comprehend.

I would rather not talk about it,
But I need to get this out.
So many things happened this weekend,
And none of it makes sense.

A friend now enemy.
He doesn't know that I can't stand him anymore
And that I'd rather not have his company.
But would he really care?

You see, he enjoys to see me angry.
Apparently, fire in my eyes entertains him.
And this weekend,
He pushed me beyond my breaking point.

With my anger,
Someone or something gets hurt.
When I'm on the edge,
Someone's going down with me.

When I'm pissed,
It's best to leave me alone.
You wouldn't want to get caught in that,
I don't even want to be around myself.

In times like that,
Whatever is in my way gets damaged.
Nothing is safe,
Not even the innocent.

I warned him I was pissed.
Yet he kept prodding,
He wanted to see me explode.
He got his wish.

After I let it out,
All he did was laugh,
Then it was like a volcano erupting,
And tears started to flow.

After someone makes me cry,
It takes them awhile to regain my trust,
And he would have to start right away,
But he just kept playing his game.

He doesn't think he was the cause of my explosion,
Though he certainly was.
He pressed the Start button,
And played till the game broke.


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