
by Suicidal_Bleeder   Feb 20, 2006

Someone walked into a room,
Ad all eyes turned to stare,
All conversation halted,
As they saw her standing there.
A someone who stood tall and strong,
Far above dishonest deeds,
Someone of integrity,
Which idealism breeds.
Someone with bright shining eyes,
Reflecting from her soul,
Someone born not half a girl,
But a self-reliant whole.
Someone of whom the poets write,
With a lingering, mournful phrase,
Someone with a smile to light,
Many dark and lonely days.
Someone walked into the room,
Someone only briefly seen,
Just a memory to linger on,
Where her footsteps once had been…


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  • 19 years ago

    by Val

    Another exelent poem. a pleasure to read.
    take care, val

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