You said you would be with me forever
But still I wait for a sign
A sign that u care
Never even a letter
In your card it says live in the present
But how can I when I cant forget the past
How can u live without any word from your little girl?
But guess what dad I'm not so little anymore
But u missed that, you missed everything
You weren't there to laugh, with to talk with
But most of all u weren't there when I needed u most
Where were u when I cried myself to sleep
When I didn't no how to cope
When I felt like giving up
How can you sleep knowing that we are in this world?
Knowing that I am hurting because of you
I miss you ok but how do I no if it's returned
I need to know if you care
I need to no if you miss me
I need to no if you love me
Answer me I need you