I love you

by molly   Feb 20, 2006

You are always here for me whenever i\'m blue
and without you in my life, i wouldn\'t know what to do
you\'re there through the god times, the bad times too
my fantastic family
i do love you

i know i don\'t always show it
but i do really care
and i want you to know, if you need me,
i will be there

you all mean the world to me,
each and every one
so, i\'m sorry i act like a b***h
i don\'t want you gone

i say things when i\'m angry
i say things when i\'m sad
but to have you as a family, i am so glad

so when i\'m feeling angry and when im feeling weak
i remember what you say to me
and i know a smile will peak

you are all so amazing
and i would just like to say,
thank you for being my family and my friends too
i love you so much, i wouldn\'t change any of you!!! xxx


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  • 19 years ago

    by Geoff Clemence

    A fantastic expression of love for your family. Loved it girl.

  • 19 years ago

    by molly

    I know, not the best poem
    but it means alot, i cant always say what i want to people, because of the way i am, so i write in a poem to show my emotion.
    please comment, good or bad, i welcome all types of comments!!!