I Will

by Simon Hayes   Feb 20, 2006

I will prevail
I will succeed
Upon this sword
I'll make you bleed

Forgive you? NO!
This time it's death
Anything to say
Before your last breath?

Any preference
How I take your life?
For causing
So much pain and strife!

I will prevail
I will succeed
And rid the world
Of your foolish greed!

© Simon Hayes 20/02/06


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  • 18 years ago

    by Midnight Sun

    That was just incredible. It's odd b/c usually as I read poems such as those it scares me to think they would actually do something like that but this totally came across as figurative to me or at least not something you're actually threatening. Anyways, great job and I'm looking forward to reading more! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Tim Fleckney

    Very powerfull read, to hell with forgivness take them out lol
    I really liked it thanx.

  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    Good poem. Heh, I have a very similar poem. It's a great way to let out anger. Everything was perfect about this poem. It's flow and its format, but I think the imagery was cut a little short.


    "Any preference
    How I take your life?
    For causing
    So much pain and strife!"

    "For causing" takes everything out of flow. maybe if you get rid of so it will be better.

  • 19 years ago

    by PureDove

    Great poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    Wow...this poem is short...but extremely good. Good work!