Comments : Shattered On The Street

  • 19 years ago

    by lostlllsoul

    Hi hunny.. u wrote an emotionally felt poem but its really sad and i hope everything is okay.. pls remeber that no matter what happens i'll always be here for u, i would nv leave u ever, stay strong ya?
    lots of love,

  • 18 years ago

    by azlan26

    The sheer amount of thoughts running through the head in such a small time really emphasised the sadness of the falling person
    "On the edge of the roof i stand alone swaying.
    Glancing down the street, seeing people assembling.
    Now i feel myself slipping down in the air.
    people down the street begin to stare.
    I loved that bit
    Keep writing :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Robiie

    Wow that was intense and so well written, one of my favourites by far

    well done x0x0