Broken Hearts Don't Lie

by XxXKristie MarieXxX   Feb 20, 2006

Looking up at the starts
her heart breaking
and eyes full of tears
Her world shattering

She was right
he liked her because of her looks
she'll never forget that night
Oh, how hear heart hurts

She lies in her bed
and weeps so many tears
She wonders it they will ever end
Wondering Why she still cares

All he's done
is break her heart
her feelings numb
her heart torn apart

She has learned a lesson
from her bad experience
don't trust the popular ones
They have no compassion

This time she'll trust her heart
and not her mind
It plays such a big part
Always trust your heart when your in a bind


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  • 18 years ago

    by NeoDaDevil

    Bravo! I had thought to read only one work today.....but wow u got me spell binded

  • 18 years ago

    by uponfairywings

    Hey great poem, but I noticed you haven't wrote anything in a while and I wondered why. You are a great poet you should keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Some Random Human

    'Tis a nice poem, but is the heart broken? Was it ever whole to begin with? Maybe one's heart is only complete when one finds that special someone whom they spend the rest of their life loving, and one never knows what the future holds...hang in there.

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