The little things in love

by natalie   Feb 20, 2006

The little things matter most...
A gentle kiss on the cheek
that make your knees go weak.
A tender touch on a sleepless night
& the knowing your love is by your side.

A warm caring shoulder
to rest your head on
when your lying with your
lover in bed.
Strong arms to hold you tight
and the seductive look
as he turns out the light.

Knowing in your heart he loves you
more now than at the start.
The knowing in your heart
he will always be there.
And if you shed a tear
he would kiss away your fears.

If you have found these
little things that matter,
cast away the big things
that will eventually shatter.

You are blessed with true love...
True love from the start knows
how to match the right hearts.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by jac

    This was amazing, well written, and passionate. keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by chelsea

    Verry cute.
    keep it going.
    hope these feelings last.