
by Wolf   Feb 20, 2006

Hands of filth
Hearts of flame
the sold soul
possessed with insanity
A black heart
filled with the reapers blood
burning eyes
full of anger

The blind rage
leading to this murder
My Life,this knife
Grabbed tightly in my hand

boiling drops of blood
Scattered all over ...

Madness,So brutal
Screaming from my core

so calm outside the skin
so peacefull,so fake

shall not be blamed
of this murder
because my life have
created my monster...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ripple

    I like this poem its reli good, fanks 4 commentin on my poem, but i dnt plan 2 change it 2 make it beta, i wrote it outa rage n nuffin im gona do is change the way i was finkin lol .. all my love xxxxxxxxxxxxx