Death Angel

by Rayarra Jones   Feb 20, 2006

I see the Death Angel
oh how it does tempt me so, hanging over me like a tower
I try my best to refrain
but its temptation is much stronger than my will power

I begin to measure out the monster
but it keeps persuading me to do more
until I finally say skip it
and keep going until the whole damn thing is poured

I quickly pull the rope tight around my arm
making my veins bulge 3D
such a mind altering affect
as I inject and feel the Death Angel in my veins, flowing through me

1 Second extreme excitement
the next a burning hell
oh shit. What the Hell!

My heart keeps pounding faster
I can hear it knocking at my chest
until finally with much argument
the Death Angel has put me to rest


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  • 19 years ago

    by Cuddles

    Power beyond imagination...Brilliant!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ali

    OMG, that was a very moving poem, even though in some places i found it a little bit un flowy i still gave it a 5/5 because it was soo well done! *hugz*

  • 19 years ago

    by Ripple

    WOW really gr8 poem, powerful i love it well dun. all my love xxxxxxxx