The tracing tears

by LoVeAbLeShOrTie   Feb 20, 2006

As tears run down my face
I run into the bathroom tonight
Ill make sure the door is shut tight
Ill bring my razor i hid beside my bed
The teens best friend
As i sit on the cold floor i turn the water on so no one can hear me as i begin to cry
As i lay the blade against my wrist i begin to twist and turn digging deeper
Maybe tonight ill end this pain
As i slice across ever vein
Every vein is throbbing they burn and sting with regret
I stand there with a towel soaked in blood
I slowly slide down the wall
When i see what i just did
When they find me maybe..
They'll understand i really was hurt..but no one cared
They'll see who caused the pain..
Since its written across ever vein


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  • 19 years ago

    by -Ghostship Fidelity-

    Eep, it was very good. Should I worry though? Because you know how much you would hurt everyone if you actually did what you suggested in this poem.... *twitches* Well, if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here on MSN all the time, lol. Even though we aren't very close... *sighs*


    It was a good poem though, I liked it very much.


  • 19 years ago

    by Ali

    OMG I almost cried when i read this, very deep and meaningful good work