Mirror Mirror

by LabeledUnknown   Feb 20, 2006

Mirror Mirror,
What do I see?
A sad imitation of a girl I use to be.
Once a flower,
Now a thorn.
Once so happy,
Now forlorn.

Mirror Mirror,
What do I see?
A child with much contempt with me.
Her spirits to the masses,
tarnished steel,
which once was gold.

Mirror Mirror,
who do I see?
My feelings trapped inside of me.
A need to smile,
Afraid to cry.
Afraid to live,
afraid to die.


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  • 18 years ago

    by nancy

    This is really good, please write more...

  • 18 years ago

    by nancy

    This is really good, please write more...

  • 19 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    I love this poem you did an amazing job on it keep it up. tell me what you think of mine ....kk? bye