Revenge or not revenge

by Kys Dirty Little Secret   Feb 20, 2006

As I sit in class
My ears hear a breaking of glass
I see something
As I bend down; it is my ring
I read the inside and it says to my love
As i look up to the sky I see a dove
As i begin to feel the rain
I soon feel a sharp pain
Something hit my head
As i fall i hit a piece of lead
I hear a voice speak to me
And it says this is supposed be
As i soon awake
I am sitting by a lake
I look to see where the my ring has gone
I look and soon realize that I was a pawn
It was the end
I was left here for dead
As tears began to fall from my eyes
I soon realize
I will make him pay
So i sat and plotted all through the day
And soon my plan would finally be
And i would be free
Free from his eyes
Free from all his lies
And yet I still want him to love me
I still want it to be
I want him to be mine
Maybe then i will be fine
But as long as I sat here
Sooner or later he would appear
Waiting for me
So the longer I sat here I wouldn't be free
But i was nothing is what he always said
Every time he said that I paid
He would hit and smack
Until I turned blue and black
But now it is my turn
And in hell is where he will burn
One flick of the lever
And he would be gone forever
The last word i would ever say
Was I love you, plain as day

This is not anything that has happened to me it was a poem I thought of in class as you can see from the beginning. IDK if it is very good but please rate and comment to tell me anything to make it better. I always return the favor Thanks again


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  • 19 years ago

    by AngelEyez89

    Good work babe, ur a good writer!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ali

    Very good poem! Its very deep and vert good! you are very talented!