
by Ariana   Feb 20, 2006


He told me I was beautiful.
My skin so smooth and flawless.
Like a ripe nectarine.
He said he was captivated by
my essence.
My brown eyes seemed to reflect
all his hopes and dreams.
And when he stared effortlessly into them,
they reminded him of -
a deep...dark...sticky...
pile of mud.

Oh, wait. Maybe not.
He said some sh*t like that.
But I wasn't actually listening.
He had made me really hungry -
and I just wanted a nectarine.

Was feeling random....


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  • 19 years ago

    by DBM

    Lol. Definitely made me laugh trying to picture someone with skin like a nectarine. And random-ness is pretty much the essence of the world, so nice job. Absolutely excellent.

  • 19 years ago

    by cLumsy

    Doesn't everyone feel random sometimes??? lol, funny, random, once-in-a-lifetime poem. beautiful and simple. well done. 5/5

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