Dont worry..

by NicholasRyan   Feb 21, 2006

Were fighting again..
I cant stand it..
I'm loosing my head..
I cant even sleep in my bed..
with out a tear..
Coming down my face..

my eyes are getting puffy..
I just want to be alright..
but all I do is cry myself though the night..
I don't think its right..

Every morning I wake up..
and say to my self..
that me and you are going to be ok..
but for some reason..
when we talk there's something to ruin the day..
I don't know what we say..

i don't know what it is..
but its bad..
and its leaving both of us sad..

all i can say is that i love you..
and we can make this through..
I keep on thinking to myself
if we just go one day we can do this..
but another part of me will miss you more then ever..
and Ill think about the bad all the time..
and try to take away my life..
with the knife..

why do we break up so much..
if are hearts tell us were supposed to be together..
are we ever going to stop this non sense..
and get real..
Or is just what I feel?

I don't know what to do..
but my heart is falling apart..
I think its because of so many girls hurt me before..
I cant but think this is just another faze..
we go out..then one of use leave..

i don't want that to happened..
because baby I love you...
and I need you..
and my heart will always be here for you..

Ill never love some one so much..
as i love you now..
I love you forever..
my love will never be a lever..

I know i have hurt you baby..?
but I'm sorry..
you don't have too worry..
I'm here I'm always going to be here no matter what..
even if we do fight allot..
its not going to stop me..
because that wonted be right..

ill be alright if we just stop fighting..
if you tell me how you feel..
we could be more real..

I care about you so much..
and I know some times you don't believe me..
because how i act..
and I'm sorry..
but don't worry..
because baby your my everything..

Your everything I guy could want..
and caring..
always there for me when i need you..
thats why I love you so much..
because I know when you yell at me..or something..
you don't hesitated to say "your sorry"

I'm not leaving no more..
I'm here to stay..
take my hand..
So we can stand..

I love you more then anything in this world..


Kayce u know i love you more then anything in this world


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  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    This is extremely good...kayce is a lucky girl to have someone like you...G8t poem.keep it up..u kno i LOVE all ur poetry...


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