Comments : Through the Eyes of Aidan Frost

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah

    I dont cry... I haven't for a very long time...and i dont like to...this... made me cry. God has and continues saving you from it all...and i want to help in every way possible...I love God first and foremost but your running close. ---Sarah

  • 18 years ago

    by Danielle Gagnon

    Really good poem.. good job...

  • 18 years ago

    by nicole

    Actually, it's quite inspiring...
    you start out talking about basically how life suck's, & in the end you talk about that you have thing's to live for & no matter what you'll keep living because there's ppl who are alive that luv & care about you* even if Im totaly off base with my analasys, it's writen well.

  • 18 years ago

    by nicole

    I read it again, Matt within this poem there's hope... but there's so much pain... so much pain. & Im not you so I won't even pretend to understand but...
    you know that God & Us are alway's here for you right? alway's.
    Just like God who somtimes cries with what He see's & somtimes rejoice's. we're here, laughing or crying, but we're here. alway's.


    ~God's watching

  • 18 years ago

    by Marina

    Marina here again...
    ...Matt its not at all your fault...
    I've no place to speak in this matter, So I'm sorry, my sences are much to weak, i cant stop reading and commenting, each pieces is so much more Matt than I've ever seen... All this time i never knew...the Part I loved of you, wasnt as easy to see as you made it seem...
    **Sorry this comment is jacked**