
by Kimber-theoneandonly-   Feb 21, 2006

I gave you my heart
because you swore you would never break it apart
But when she came along you let it slip
It fell from your hand because you loosened your grip
It broke into pieces, shattered on the floor
The pain ripped through my core
I couldn't believe what you had done to me
Lied and deceived and I failed to see
I loved you so much I thought it was true
But what we could have had doesn't matter to you
My soul my heart my love was yours
When you said you still loved me hurt me more
How can you love me and be with her?
You asked me did I forgive you and expected me to say sure
Thats a lie if i said I did and told you yes
How could you ask me when you see I'm a mess
You left me now I have a broken heart
You have mastered betrayal the king of that art
And yet I still have a soft spot for you
As stupid as it seems its true
But one thing I will have for you is a dream
That she wont do to you what you did to me....


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  • 19 years ago

    by Jimmy Jr.

    Look don't let yourself down over some guy remember there are more fish in the sea even though i lost my girl the same way well it dont matter you just keep writting and dont let the better of ya get to you.

  • 19 years ago

    by The Spirit of Ash

    I loved this poem ! it's sad but very good :) 5/5
