Never UnderstOod

by BrokenxLaughs   Feb 21, 2006

I cried myself to bed at night
After every day we'd have a fight
A fight that'd hurt me in a way
That'd make me wanna get away
Get away from you and all this mess
It would put me in major distress
Now I wanna cut myself and make the pain go away
I pray it will each and every day
But the more I cut myself, the deeper I go
Till I stop cutting myself, we may never know
When I will stop, or finally go
When I will go and say my goodbyes
To all my family and friends
I don't know when I will see you again
But for now, I'm gonna make it through
I don't need anybody, especially..not you
Just let me be, oh sweet misery
And if I happen to be awake in the morning
I'll let you know my sweet darling


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  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenxLaughs

    Whaa, Thanks for all the compliments guys! I just now figured out how ta read em..Haha!. But thanks, I appreciate them!!!
    Much Love

    a.k.a Kristyn

  • 18 years ago

    by Milton

    That was real sad. I hope you're not going through this. I sometimes sort of feel the same way too. Good stuff. :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Ms Joanna Dark

    Great poem. i read some quotes and decided to check out your other stuff. you have a lot of talent. keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    True painful feelings gotta write. I'm thinking it can be true for me too, but I don't hurt myself. I really understand that.. Feeling all crazy in pain. Good ones.. Like them a lot. 5/5