The Smile

by t. h a l l i d a y *   Feb 21, 2006

The alarm goes off, time to get up.
Time to do your hair, put on your makeup.
Open the door, put on your fake smile.
Time to fool everybody, your living in denial.

You get to school, they ask how's your day.
Fine, you replay, then go along your way.
You get to class, with the smile on your face.
You say hi to your friends, then quietly take your place.

The bell then rings, it's lunch, this is the daily test.
Keep on that same smile, and never ever confess.
Sit there at the table, speak not a word.
Your depressing thoughts don't want to be heard.

The final bell rings, time to walk home.
Freedom is waiting, your home alone.
Time to be yourself till parents come home.
And when they do come home, put the smile back on.

At night when everyones asleep, and you lay there awake.
Take off that smile, the smile thats fake.
You then close your eyes, and start to fall asleep.
The smile locked away, till morning when the alarm starts to beep.


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  • 18 years ago

    by homyfookingosh

    I feel so emotional now! lol
    this is my fave. i havent even read the others yet.
    its still my fave! *YAY*

  • 18 years ago

    by Milton

    Aw that was really sad. I cant help but feel bad when a nice girl gets sad cause some jerk leaves her. but this time, I was the one who lost :( but I loved your poem, good stuff!

  • 19 years ago

    by Absolute Broken Perfection

    Wow, this is a really good poem.
    I can relate to the poem really well.
    I give it a 5/5.

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    Wow that's some powerful stuff, I really like it ALOT i can totally relate, I've written some stuff like that but I didn't think it was that great so I didn't put it on here, I usually just write poems about love...

  • 19 years ago

    by :. bri-bri .:

    I cried reading this because this is what i do everyday but ur good and it was a great poem

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