Why does Black fill my heart?
As, to me I know nothing
Or the color of hate would be gone
or the red rose that I hold wouldn't be black, or the shadow would be gone, or this color would have an end, or it wouldn't be such a mystery to me, or the dreams that haunt me would be gone. Or I wouldn't be sitting in the darkness
Or i wouldn't let the comments get to my head. or the depressing actions would be gone, or my heart wouldn't feel so bad and broken. or the tears of not knowing anything would dry. These actions represent me not knowing why I'm feeling the way I do. The black fills everything it might be a shadow or a mystery. To everyone that is judged, everyday we let the comments get to us. Everyone knows the shadow haunts us all. to me black is something we'll never understand its the color of mystery, the color of the darkness, the color of what we don't want to be