The boy who loved to much

by eric   Feb 21, 2006

This is the story of a boy
this boy loved a girl
she was everything to him
she was his world

on weekends she would
go off to parties and drink
but this boy would stay home with
her on his mind he would just think

think of what
they would be like together
its weird he would sit there
for hours and think of no other

after awhile eventually
they were seeing one another
finally this boys dream come
true, they were finally together

he tried so hard to be her day
but they didnt think a like
she just didnt think the same way

this girls idea of love was diffrent
she just didnt feel that way
this boys love was constant
his love was there to stay

he saw her kiss a guy on the cheek
and hug him goodbye
he assumed they were just good friends
and told himself a lie

he started wondering why she
didnt want to hang out with him
kept making excuses how she already
had plans with her friend tim

he would see them drive by in tims car
around her he could see tims arm

he finally realized
that she didnt care
as she drove past
and all he could was stare
knowing that they ended so fast

this boy didnt want to go on living
knowing he would cry everynight
knowing that everday trying to
stay alive was just one big fight

he thought to himself
and without a doubt
realized death was the
easiest way out

ran down stairs and grabbed some paper
and through his pen, he told
the world just how much he hated her
he wrote, "if you say you love someone
for **** sakes tell the truth
dont just say it for fun"

if she could only have seen the
world through his eyes
she probly would have
never told so many lies

if she just would have been faithful
used thoughs three words that are so powerful
things between them could have been wonderful

when this boy finished his letter
adressed to this girl
he felt sicker then ever
felt like he was going to hurl

as tears rolled down his pale face
he swolled every last pill
in the medicine case

30 miniutes later
he was finally dead
he thought this was the easiest
way to get this girl out of his head

because this girl had no respect
for him or even for herself
she now sits at home crying
with his picture left on her shelf

all this girl ever did
was just sleep around
thats probly why this boy
sleeps 6 feet underground


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    PSH my heart thing died *cries*

    < 3 JENN muahaha WORRRRRRRRK :D

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Aw... dang! lol thats ill i have to say!

    Okay Mr. you totally put me off that four parter thing cause personally.....I dont like long poems.. *cough like this one Cough* lol Lol wooooooot comment wars* dances* ummmmmm yeh uh... pie! no uh, what was I gonna say OH whats with darling thing,... everyone calls me it and im like...okay granny? lol its cute but...yeh I was gonne say kinky but after the granny comment that would be bad right? right. Well her final poem is kinda my mentality as of late... cause ive been dealing with alot and yeh well yeh lol. if that makes ANY sense! so yeh sorry im working on an essay so my brains like mush right now! so i best be off! seeee you uhmmmm Sweetie? lol

  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    That was really good and moving..

  • 18 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    This is GREAT

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess09

    This boy didnt want to go on living
    knowing he would cry everynight
    knowing that everday trying to
    stay alive was just one big fight
    that stanzas my fav. ok but anyways great poem it had an assum concept but at some point didnt quit flow all the way and rhyme is indefferent sometimes its there others its not?? o well good ne ways!!