Comments : M.T.F

  • 19 years ago

    by Kirsty

    WOOP WOOP!!!!!!!
    emy supports this!! hehe
    i know becoz she told me about the M.T.F and how she doesnt eat certain sweets becoz of it but we all no she does really!!
    well done to the poem sexi it is VERY VERY good n hard hittin
    i love u

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    Well done. Glad to see we have people like you around, and not only slefish people. Really got me thinking about it. Nice poem, very good, messege is important. lotsaaaaa love -xxx-

    (Bit short on time right now, I have a lot more to say actually, but I have to go to school right now, I'm already 30 minutes to late.. as usual.. I'm always late) hahha.. love you -xxx-

  • 19 years ago

    by bex

    You can tell you feel pretty strongly about this
    me & james were talking about this the other day when we bought fair trade coffee
    the fair trade products help people and tend to taste better than the other brands anyway

    i like how you wrote this
    it's not too complicated but stil gets the message across
    well done there missy

  • 19 years ago

    by PoeticJustice

    I like it, is the one percent thing true, cause if it is i wanna help the cause