The final chapter (part 1)

by Just Another Romantic   Feb 21, 2006

The darkness will come through
the holes will let in a little rain
but what you care when you hear my name
and i can't see you there
but i can hear you voice
you hold my hand everyday
and i know you care
but is that you weren't there
i walk the stairs down
to the below of the bottom of everything
and you are there but were never there
never got a chance to meet you
and the blood in my veins starts to run out dry
and i take flight but it's a disease that these doctors can't treat
a reflection of me
and remember my name in the fame
please see that light never bends
and in my name remeber make war
for i'm just a lost cause
let the dark in
will you follow the pain
but i've been drinking again
smoking for my fight
was i in love
should have hold that girl tighter
it was my fault
but now the coffin is being made
hand made from the finest oak
and i know i will be falling in a bottomless pit
don't you think i'm taking piss
the skies are turning grey
6 feet under still not far away
not afraid to die
but my living was never worth it all
not afraid to die
it's that i just don't want to
go on say it i'm a bloody hypocrite
i think i exist because i do i do and i do
maybe this is the way
tell me if i will see the other side
i will make peace
when i find my peace of my mind
i will dissappear
it will come
will it come to me


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ripple

    Wow really loved this 1 i love ur work really inspires me.. the prt bout 6feet unda not far away.. i reli luv this sayin .. alll my lovexxxxxxxx