I swear it\'s not on Purpose

by mer   Feb 21, 2006

Thin as a rail,
Sick as a dog
Losing what wasnt there to lose
I swear its not on purpose

Substitute instead of giving in completely
Kissing goodbye forever how it would be
I swear its not on purpose

Consuming nothing, yet pushing out whatever is left
Cheating yourself out of what you need to survive
I swear its not on purpose

Death in the shape of a finger,
Harm taking the form of my mind
Psychologically killing a soul
I swear its not on purpose

Im stopping now what never should have begun,
A life that was drowned in misery
Get back all that i left behind
I swear its not on purpose

Im trying so hard, to walk the path to the light,
But Hell\'s Keeper blinds me with lies
\"turn around, you can never return\"
\"You aren\'t welcome in the city of life, you stay where death has its grasp\"

I can\'t do this alone,
I havent stopped yet
Im telling you now
I Did It On Purpose


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