My feelings again..

by NicholasRyan   Feb 21, 2006

Back to writing,
and making my self feel,
I don't know what to do with my life,
Any more, I still take that knife,
Wonder still why Am I living.

All the times I get up,
Then I turn around,
And something hits me,
And I fall right down,
With a big frown..

I will tell you, I do try my best,
To be me, and nothing like the rest.
I want to feel happy again,
With out some one making me feel so crappy..

I want to live my life to its fullest,
I want to soar over all my fears,
With out having any tears..

I want the pain,
To wash out in the rain,
I want to lay in my bed,
with out thinking in my head,
That I ever did want to die..

I don't want to look at my scars,
And remember that your the one who gave me my biggest fears,

I want to walk away,
Knowing that me and you did never pull through,
I want everything to go my way,
So I don't have to take my life this way..


Just another... Poem, Don't really know...

I love you kayce..


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  • 18 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    By the way, im sorry for last nite.. i stareted tdoing it agin this morning but i stopped ok? also, yeah...sorry xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by ~Xkitty24X~

    ... 5/5
    Oh yeah I went to and u look so much alike with my ex???? whoa
    anyways, deep poem.. really deep

  • 19 years ago

    by Becky

    This poem is really good nick. keep up the great work

    yea I trust my bf he is amazing and like completely respectful and like I know he wouldn't cheat on me but I still don't know if I can do it cuz like it will just be so hard. Me and him still have yet to really talk about it, so I dunno I guess we will see what happens. thanks for the help tho.

    lots of love

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